Friday, September 16, 2016

Almost there

This was my last full week of work before surgery day.  I am really doing my best to get things wrapped up and in a good place before I leave.  I am not quite sure how long I will be out and I don't want to leave too much for anyone else to do.  I am going to do my best not to worry about work while I am recovering.  This coming from a girl that typically checks email while on vacation.  My team has been great and I know they don't mind, but still.

I had pre-op appointments with both the plastic surgeon and the breast surgeon this week.  Both went over their parts of the procedure.  The PS is going to do his best to do "direct to implant" so that I would not need a second surgery.  He won't know until he gets in there and checks the blood flow in the skin.  If he can't then I will need tissue expanders.  This is a process where they put water balloon like expanders under your skin and slowly stretch the skin.  It will need to sit six weeks once the skin gets to where it needs to be before they can put in the permanent implants.  That could take 3 - 4 months total.  So I am hoping my skin cooperates and I wake up with boobs!  Either way I will need to have drains in for 2 - 4 weeks.  Not crazy about that, but it's just part of the procedure.  He saod he would do his very best to make me look as much like "me" as he can.  

The awesome zipper bra I get to wear after!

The BS went through a bunch of the same things.  What it will be like on surgery day, why I need to be there so early and all that good stuff.  She did let me know that she thinks they will be able to save my nipples.  This made me happy.  Just a little bit more of me I get to keep.  I know it may sound silly.  I never gave much thought to my nipples until all this.  She will also take out 2 lymph nodes and send those off for testing to see if the cancer has spread.  These results will determine if I need chemo or not.  I will meet with the medical oncologist about 2 weeks after surgery.  She also said I will spend 2 nights in the hospital.  The first 24 hours are the worst, she says, so the extra night at the hospital gets you through that.

I have a few more things to get done this weekend before my Mom and twin come on Tuesday.  It's a shitty reason that they have to come but I am happy they will be here for me and for each other.  I probably should test out the air mattress :) 

The black tie gala is tomorrow and I am super excited.  My Rent the Runway dress came and I am in love.  Can't wait to show you pictures.  

Happy Friday!

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